Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'M making IM more productive

Now that I have gained control over IM and am getting work done, I have discovered a few ways to make IM more productive.

Keep Your Availability Accurate
Each IM client has the ability to set your availability: Available/Online, Away/Idle, Busy, Invisible, DoNotDisturb, etc. If you simply leave your availability set to the default of "Available" or "Online" and do not adjust it all day, people will not actually know if you are available or not. Another step would be to establish Availability or IM Office Hours so that people know when to expect you to be available for chatting. By efficiently using your status, you can help people contact you only when you are truly available for chatting.

Cut the Chatter
Unless you are using your IM for HelpDesk, Sales, or some work that requires contact by people you do not know, set the options in your IM client to not allow messages from people not on your contact list. People wanting to chat with you can always request to be added, but it gives you the power to control the interruptions to people you already know.

Clean the Clutter
Go through your IM buddy list and remove the people with which you do not communicate on a regular basis or have only chatted with a few times.

Twitter ( )
Twitter has been compared to the online version of the water cooler. It is a service that allows users to, by way of entries resembling SMS-style messages of up to 140 characters, keep up with their friends in an asynchronous manner. Twitter can be sent and send updates using IM, mobile devices, or the web. Users can select other people they wish to "follow" and receive updates on their activities.
Twitter proposes to provide an answer to the question, "What are you doing right now?"

IMified ( )
IMified is a service to provide access to web-based widgets via IM. By setting up an account, a user can create a customized list of accessible widgets available through an IM chat session, such as accessing their Google calendar, posting to their blog, setting reminders, todos, saving short notes, etc.

By the use of Twitter and IMified, I have increased the productivity of my GoogleTalk IM client. I can now post to my blogs, generate urlTea links, save word counts in notes, set reminders/todos, receive Twitter updates from my friends, post to my Twitter account, and even do some chatting if I find the time - all without having to open a browser.

I'M taking control of IM

IM (Instant Messaging) took over my life. I began on this quest back in 2000, when I was working for a company that had recently come to depend on Instant Messaging for corporate communications between people in different locations and different continents. I had friends on every IM service available at the time: AOL, Yahoo, MSN, Jabber, ICQ. In addition, I was deploying Lotus' Instant Messaging product, SameTime, to the corporate environment. I have tried these steps to gain better control over my IM usage.

Client Overload
Every IM service would like to be your one and only Instant Messaging service. People choose an IM client for various reasons, such as the notification that they have a new message on their favorite web mail service or because they have friends already on that service. This is great, except that as your circle of friends expands, you will not want to change from the IM client you like nor them from theirs, so you add another client to chat with them and another for other friends. Pretty soon, you are running four or more IM clients. With them all open so you can see who is online and who is not, they take up half of your screen space.

Combine IM Clients
One step to get a handle on the IM Client Overload is to get a multi-protocol client. There are several available for different operating systems or you might choose a more universal client. Adium is available for the Mac, and there is Miranda and Trillian for Windows. Pidgin (formerly GAIM) is open source and available for all major operating systems, including Linux, Windows, & Mac. Also, there is an online option for people who may work from various computers or on public computers - Meebo is an online service where you can input your IM account information and it provides you a web-browser interface that combines multiple IM services into one window. Using one of these options can help regain control over the multiple IM clients taking over your screen and hard drive.

Consolidate Buddies
In an attempt to gain control of my IM life and dealing with the problems associated with multi-protocol clients, I have started severely limiting the time I am on most services, so that I only use 2 or 3 reliably.The big IM services would still like to be your only IM service, so occasionally, they will make upgrades or changes to their services that cause the multi-protocol clients to be unable to connect to the service until more changes are made in the client software. This can be a hassle if you start to depend on IM for work and collaboration on top of friendly chatting. A way to alleviate this problem is to get your buddies/family/coworkers onto a single IM service. This can be a daunting task, but by limiting your availability on most services, people who want to chat with you will consider moving or adding another account to be able to see you.

Cimplify your IM life
Yes, I know that it should be Simplify, but the theme of the C's was too appealing.
Since most of us actually have work to do and the web is a tool many of us find indispensable in getting our work done, chatting the day away on IM does not get a lot accomplished. Now it is time to Combine these tips and use IM to your advantage.

Here is how I'M taking control of IM:
Limit myself to 2 active IM services: GoogleTalk and Skype (both have IM and Voice functions) and get an account on Meebo, enter my IM account information for all my other services into it and use it only when I want to chat with someone on one of the other services.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


You, too, can become more productive with IM.
Visit to find out how to use your IM client to gain access to widgets and make better use of your time, without having to launch a browser every time you want to post to your blog, set a reminder, access your google calendar, etc.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Feels good to write again

After taking a few days off from writing, I am at it again.

I thought I was going to write more in Shady Rest, but since it is raining in Aurals, I was instead moved to continue that story.

Some more edits and a few hundred words added. The totals are visible to the right in the Writing section.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I have joined the Twitter network!

You can see what I'm up to right now by looking to the right or by checking out my twitter page.

Follow Me and I'll Follow You.

y'know.... I Should Be Writing.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Writing Projects

While I am in Nairobi, I have some spare time - when I'm not doing laundry, cooking, taking care of the kids, etc. - usually after everyone else has gone to bed.

I have had a couple of writing projects bouncing around in my head for a while, so I thought I would start them and see where they go.

If you wish to follow my progress, please note the new section to the right - Writing.
Here you'll be able to see how I'm progressing.

Age of Aurals is planned to be novel length, whereas Shady Rest is planned to be a short story.

Questions, Comments, Encouragements are always welcome.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lost in a Good Book

TN2 A Format UK
I so loved the first "Thursday Next" novel The Eyre Affair (Thanks, Mom!) that I just *had* to have a go at the rest of the series.

I am about half way through the second book in the series, Lost in a Good Book, and I am loving it. I do have to say that I prefer the UK covers to the American versions - much more creative.

Drop by the author's site for the books and lots of fun stuff.


How to Foil a UFO Abduction

My Worse Case Scenario page-a-day calendar for the weekend offers this advice:

How to Foil a UFO Abduction

  1. Control your thoughts. Do not think anything violent or upsetting - the extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) may have the ability to read your mind.
  2. Resist verbally. Firmly tell the EBE to leave you alone.
  3. Resist mentally. Picture yourself enveloped in a protective shield of white light, or in a safe place. Telepathic EBE's may get the message.
  4. As a last resort, go for the EBE's eyes. You will not know what its other more sensitive areas are.

Good advice I wanted to share.