Monday, May 07, 2007

Trip to the Doctor

Last week, I went to the doctor for a checkup - and to get a prescription for Malaria meds.

I got a report on my blood work today....
cholesterol: 187
HDL: 26
LDL: 87

All of which is good, even my blood pressure was not too far out of whack - 140 / 80

However, my Triglycerides were 358 (ack!)

I am scheduled to see a dietitian in a week... This should be interesting as I have been a Vegetarian for 3 years.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is interesting. your results are close to mine. Mine were
HDL: 24
LDL: 90 (or so)
Cholestorol : 190
Triglycerides: 400+
and i've been a vegetarian for the most part of the last 5 years. I'd be curious to hear your dietary recommendation from the dietician. How is your body weight?