Thursday, November 06, 2008

Taurid Meteor Shower 2008

The annual Taurid meteor shower is underway and
it could be a good show. 2008 is a "swarm year" for the Taurids.
Between Nov. 5th and 12th, Earth is due to pass through an unusually
dense swarm of gritty debris from parent comet 2P/Encke. When a similar
encounter happened in 2005, sky watchers observed a slow drizzle of
midnight fireballs for nearly two weeks.  Whether 2008 will be as good
as 2005, however, remains to be seen. In 2005, the swarm encounter was
more central; Earth passed through the middle of the cloud.  In 2008,
forecasters believe we are closer to the outskirts.  How much this will
affect the shower, no one knows. The best time to look is during the
hours around midnight when the constellation Taurus is high in the sky.

Visit for sky maps and photos of the ongoing shower.

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