Saturday, October 18, 2008

Save Energy, Save the world (and your computer)

If you’re not going to use your computer for more than 20 minutes, turn off just the monitor. If your computer will stand idle for more than 2 hours, turn both it and the monitor off. Ensuring your computer is powered down, either manually with a power strip or by setting your computer’s power management features, saves money and cuts your greenhouse gas emissions.

How this helps

Powering computers requires a substantial amount of energy. Yet most computers are only used a fraction of the time they are on. Adjusting your computer’s power settings to save energy means the computer and monitor will switch into sleep mode when standing idle. This energy saving change will cut your computer’s electricity use by up to 80 percent and put $25 to $75 in yearly power costs back in your pocket.

Read this tip in full at

More information

Related tips

  • Recycle old computers, or donate them to charity
  • Use a smart power strip
  • Make sure your next computer is an Energy Star computer

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